Ja parles Angles? Vine a mantenir-lo viu al nostre Club de Conversa.

No ens saps encara? Vine a les nostres classes particulars o de grup per poder-te afegir.

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Conversation Classes

Conversa relaxada individual o en grup. Amb l'objectiu de passar-ho be mentre es practica l'Angles de forma amigable i entretinguda. "You can also text and joke around in our Whatsapp group with the rest of our students and teachers entirely in English."

Grammar Classes

Individuals o de Grup. Impartides en Angles o Catala depenent del nivell de l'alumnat i amb l'objectiu de prosperar a Classe de Conversa i Pronunciacio. "We are able to teach you all the verb tenses in three months starting from scratch by attending an hour and a half per week with our successful and proven method."

Cambridge Qualifications

We give you advice and prepare you to pass a job interview in English or to obtain English academic qualifications (PET, First, Advance, Proficiency) and even save money in the process depending on your personal goals.

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Que ens fa diferents?

  • Negoci familiar Angloparlant amb titulacions Academiques Britaniques.
  • Professorat natiu/catala segons nivell.
  • Metode propi i polit d'excessos innecessaris.
  • Alumnat reduit que permet un ensenyament personalitzat.
  • Intallacions funcionals per abaratir preus. (ADVERTENCIA! No tenim Recepcio, contacta'ns per @ o Whatsapp) and we'll get back to you!

No t'ho volem ensenyar tot de cop, nomes l'imprescindible per convertir-te amb autodidacta.

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Inscriu-te al Curs 2024-25!

Sense lligaments! Com ho sents. NO et fem pagar Matricula ni et fem pagar l'any sense de cop. Si no aconsegueixes els resultats esperats, no perds res. Doncs ho pots deixar quan vulguis. Aixi es com estem de segurs d'obtenir sempre resultats. El 90% de l'alumnat es queda amb nosaltres. Maxim 5 alumnes per classe, per tan constant comunicacio amb el professor. Grups de Primaria, ESO, Batxillerat. Tambe classes per adults mati i tarda.

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L'Institut Batxillerat "Martí l'Humà" de Montblanc

Gràcies al nostre 100% d'aprovats de Batxillerat en el 2015, 2016, 2017,2018, 2019, 2020. L'Institut "Martí l'Humà" de Montblanc ens va contactar en el 2017 per demanar-nos impartir classes d'Angles als alumnes de Batxillerat i ESO dos cops per setmana. L'experiència va ser molt positiva per les dues parts. Molts han continuat en línia o presencialment després que la covid va aturar l'extraescolar. Encreuem els dits per aquest any.

  • Album de Alumnes i Classes
  • Neither we have the magic formula to speak fluent English for you, nor does anyone else.

    The magic formula is inside all of us, and it is called "PERSEVERANCE". One of the first times you used it was to learn how to walk and go where you wanted. Another time was when you learned how to speak to express your wishes. Other people have used it to put mankind on the moon. If you have a strong perseverance, you will definitely speak English. So English will take you further than your steps and your desires will be heard further than your neighbours.

    Do not think local, think BIG! So, ask yourself; Do I have great perseverance? If you have, we will be like your parents, we will only help you a little at the beginning so that you will let go later and become a self-taught person.